
PWA Studio - installation the Venia theme concept.

January 06, 2019

Venia Home

git clone https://github.com/magento-research/pwa-studio.git
cd pwa-studio
npm install
cp packages/venia-concept/.env.dist packages/venia-concept/.env

In the .env file set the value of MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL to the URL of a running Magento instance. For my case is the http://m230.test/.

Then execute:

npm run build

See some validation errors:

Cannot validate queries because the configured Magento backend http://m230.test/ disallows introspection in "production" mode. If you can do so, set this Magento instance to "developer" mode.

The introspection query to http://m230.test/graphql failed with the following errors:
	- GraphQL introspection is not allowed, but the query contained __schema or __type
	- Max query depth should be 10 but got 11.

The current default backend for Venia development is:


The configured MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL in the current environment is


Consider updating your .env file or environment variables to resolve the reported issues.

Setup the developer mode for your magento instance:

bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer

After setup the developer mode we try to again execute build:

npm run build

See another errors:

  37:25  error  Cannot query field "fashion_color" on type "SimpleProduct"  graphql/template-strings

  48:29  error  Cannot query field "fashion_color" on type "SimpleProduct"  graphql/template-strings

✖ 2 problems (2 errors, 0 warnings)

  These errors may indicate:
  -  an out-of-date Magento 2.3 codebase running at "http://m230.test/"
  -  an out-of-date project codebase whose queries need updating

Use GraphiQL or another schema exploration tool on the Magento store to learn more.

This happens because you’re running against a Magento instance that has no Venia sample data and because the Venia GraphQL queries for product options fashion_color and fashion_size are hardcoded. Related issue

For fixed need to install the Venia sample data:

chmod +x pwa-studio/packages/venia-concept/deployVeniaSampleData.sh

Then execute the setup:upgrade for your magento instance:

bin/magento setup:upgrade

Upd: And i am have issue with setup on stage with Docker:

For fix need install additionally envalid package before npm run build:

npm install envalid

Dmitry Schegolihin

Dmitry Schegolihin writes about his front-end experience for platforms Magento2, Vue Storefront and performance optimizations. I help businesses earn more by developing and optimizing web apps.